I have told you before...
I am a simple girl with simple manner.
It takes very little for making me smile and this morning 2 simple things came infront of my eyes that made my heart melted and that smile of mine was impossible to hide.
And, I did not wanted to hide it... There is not many things that makes us people look more handsome then when we smile.
So... the first thing was C.
Waking up and see that smile is like heaven.
Second thing was down town.
Had a good hair and makeup-day and run down with high heels and a cute dress when my eyes saw a cute guy...but, that guy had no chance to melt this girls heart...
Why is that you maybe ask yourself now?
Well... he was not alone.
He had 2 adorable dogs with him.
2 sweet, little chubby and drewling bulldogs!
For those who knows me know what this means.
Yes... I practilly ran over him, asked in my sweetest voice:
Excuse me Sir, is it okey for me to say hello to them?
Mr cute: Well hello there...of course. They all yours!
(and he kneed down next to me telling the cute dogs to behave in front of the sweet lady..haha)
I know..there is a possibility he thought I just wanted to talk to HIM.
But..no one could care less then me.
I had the most adorable little dogs in my lap, jumping on me and wanted to greet me in their own way.
I dont even remember what we talked about, (mr cute and myself)I just remember their names: Doris & Lillemor!
Hehe... I am in love.
This time in two girls... there´s a new one :-)
I guess I fall in love easily.
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
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