The 4:th of october, while the wind is blowing, the dark comes fast in the evening and the trees are changing colours...
This day is dedicated to cinnamon bun.
And dont we love it?
I remember those days when me and my little brother came home from school and the whole house had a scent of baking.
With my mother standing in the kitchen, warm and smiling at us.
New made buns with a cold glas of milk.
Oh, I hope that memory will go on to my children.
And their children.
That the art of baking will not get lost in this stressful times we live in.
Cus there is not many things that make me more calm then having my hands working in a perfect dough.
This morning will be exactly like all mornings should be.
At least in my taste.
Breakfast down town, a orange, a ice-coffee latte and a tuna-sandwich.
Sitting on the sofa in "my" café, reading the papers, watching people walking bye, say hello to all those who is hangover from last night that I have worked with so many years.
Meet cool K last night down town.
Always with a honest smile and always on the run to somewhere.
Got to change a couple of words before she run away again.
Tonight will be spend at M & R ´s place.
Making some food, talking and laughing.
Will get home late so I hope I have the strenght to open my eyes before church tomorrow.
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