In one of the blogs I am reading, one girl made a list.
A list with 50 things about herself.
I will copy that...so here is mine.
* My favourite colour in flowers is white
* I am afraid of crocodiles
* My favourite song is (and since i where 13) this one
* I believe in God
* My favourite part of my body is my back
* I sing everytime I get the chance
* I think spanish is the sexiest language
* Someday I will be opening my own restaurant
* Family is the most important thing for me
* I am a very fast swimmer
* Its hard to see when I lie
* My top subject in school was religion
* I love jewlery and Tomas Sabo is my favourite designer
* I have 3 tattoos on my body
* I had pink hair once
* I often freeze in the summer and are hot in the winter
* I have a little touch of remembrance
* The sounds of my feet walking on snow make me shiver
* I prefere sunrice over sunset
* My hair is important and I often buy (to) expensive things for it
* I love middle ages and everything who has medieval in the sentence
* I am totaly non technical and have never changed a lightbulb in my life
* I am really umcomfortable in hospitals and scared of injections
* Meat vs Fish- then bloody meat thanxs
* When I was young I wanted to take care of dolphins
* I want 3 kids and think they all will be boys
* I drink much red tea
* Back in school my nickname was barbie-nose ( I have a really small nose) :-)
* The coolest person I know was my grandfather
* Someday I will have my own Bassethound, named Bellman
* I feel at my best when its about 25-30 degrees outside
* I have a sponsorchild in India, Kalpana and she is 5 years
*My biggest crush is for perfumes
* I look like my father but act like my mother
* If I ever get married again- my dress will be dark-red
* I love traveling and India and Egypt are still stuck in my heart
* Most movies makes me scared but I still watch them (hiding behind a pillow)
* I read as many books as I can...several each month and the latest is always the best one
* I love dancing... RnB and Reggaeton
* Arabic, Latin and Spanish is my top 3 language I would like to speak perfectly
* I am a Cancer in sign
* I can fall alseep whenever I want in just a minut
* I am pretty good in massage
* I love Champange
* I can play chess and I often win
* My favourite person is my brother
* Baggy jeans and a white shirt is always right for E
* I can watch art for hours in museums
* I prefer autumn before spring
* My cheeks always gets hot after a glass of wine
* I love piglets and smile like a litte girl everytime I see one
There you go