I bought my favourite water late last night.
Put it in the refrigerator cus I knew how much I would longing for that after work.
And I did.
I do.
Just got inside and took a glass with icecubes.
And my blueberry water.
Got a sms from mother.
Made my eyes filled with tears at work.
Sweet words and a caring tone.
How could I judge her so easy?
C said- she is a woman, she will understand.
I guess you are right.
Funny how other people know more about her then myself.
Sad really...
Tomorrow I will be having some hours to the creative side of me.
My eyes will lean on some fantastic art of Von Gogh, Picasso and Rembrandt.
Gothenburgs Museum of Art.
One of the best ways to spend my friday.
After that, some food from a restaurant I love.
Spicy herbs, noodles, seafood and a glass of wine.
My heart miss you.
And I hope I will see you before the next week begin.
Maybe tonight before you leave for Istanbul?

4 kommentarer:
strange how powerful words are. Hope you are ok with your mother. When i got your bluebberrypie offer sms, in the car,on my way to work...tears came. You really knows how to use words..;) I am so tierd that a can´t talk without crying..say hi to gothenburg from me/ P
but honey!!! i did not mean to make you cry!!! :-( now i feel guilty !
...it was your careing thougt my friend. It´s not that often i get a blueberrypie sms =)
I´ve been struggeling with awful things for some weeks and it taking me don. Totally.Thank you for being E and hanging around with your "E-way" / :* P
if you wanna talk..i listen.
I am quite good at it my friends tell me...
Sometimes it feels good open up..i know all about that lately..
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