And what was it inside?
A thing that will go warm on rainy spring-nights, at my girl-get-together-nights or when I get a cold...

Sex and the city- the movie.
Oh, does he know me!
(well, he should, after all we have lived together for 7 years)
That present was a perfect end of this fucked up day.
Oh, she is cursing??
Yeah, cus the boss made me so upset, and he managed to do that less then 10 minuts after I started.
Changed of planes with the schedule.
He took my sweet S away from my weekends.
And he took Me away from her.
That really sucks!
I dont wanna work weekends with H.
No one wants that...
So, we will see...
2 kommentarer:
Why did he do that!? Why? Dont split us! It´s a sin..... What do we do now.. =( *Brööööl*
i hope i wake up and realize its a bad dream.. :-)
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