Yeah last night was hot people!
Me and sweet S checked in at the hotel in the big city.
Cute room, a big bed, a tv on the wall and a nice bathroom.
Perfect for the two of us.
Change of clothes and we took the first little walk down town, to my favourite restaurant.
Turkish and Greek.
Lamb and pork.
Garlic and chili.
Still the handsome waiter and good service.
Then a laughful walk back to the hotel, and to seven eleven..yes, the party E needed some cigarettes for the night.
Yes I knooow...but even an angel can have a dark side...
Another change of clothes, at least for the demanding S.
(who looked amazing like always)
I choosen a golden/shimering/bronze colours in the make up.
Hair- extensions and flatiron...and, the new thing thats gonna change the world- The volyme master.
And spray, lotion, perfume and a big golden necklace.
One, two and five breezer was what I had time to drink before the second walk to the
club for the night.
Freezing cold in miniskirt, but...what girls dont do for fashion.
Boys downtown was giving us compliments for the looks, thank you!
(yes we sucked it rigth in)
As we got closer to the Club we saw the line of people outside.
Crowded already?
I walked closer to the bouncer and...
-Hello, my name is E and I think we are on the list *cutest smile*
-Of course, welcome and if there is anything you need tonight, just let me know.
We walked right in.
Ah...isn´t that lovely.
The second I walked into the dancefloor I knew this was it.
The rhythm from the speakers, the slow beat that fit the dance perfect.
Slow and sexy, close and with an attitude.
Perfect music, happy people...and..the most importent thing- they where dancing, good.
Another breezer was ordered and then we danced...together and with the cute guys.
I found one of them.
Actually, he got my attention for 4 hours.
That is almost a lifetime in measurment in the world of E.
But, when I find something different..something I like, I stick to it.
His name started with A and he knew how to talk, dance and behave.
Slightly younger, but what the hell...
I am getting older....but dont tell anyone okey...
It was great, many smiles, laugher, flirty glances and dancing to die for.
Just as I had planned.
To summarize the whole thing- perfect night.
The taxi back to the hotel arrived at early morning...05.30, when some people was on their way to work.
Fell right into the amazing soft bed and a quick words to the new dancing-partner by sms.
And slept.
Hard and long.
A dreamless night is unusual...but I think this was one of them.
Woke up next to one of my best friends and what a good way to start the day huh?
A warm shower and sparkling water for the throat who did not wanted to speak.
Maybe it remembered the loud laughes from hours before.
Breakfast near the trainstation and a take away tea in the city-sun.
Now- well... I am home, in my underwear, covered in sheets and totaly hangover.
But you know what?
It was worth it.

The Reggaeton Girls for the night
1 kommentar:
since we talk of turkish..:d
gelsin...hayat bildigi gibi gelsin..isimiz bu yasamak...winky like and me like all the way..bring it on and i am in it..kisses
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