fredag 22 augusti 2008

Blueberry pie and searching for the perfect gift...

Todays schedule
*Picking up the present to L´s birthday
*Making the dinner for tonight
*Cleaning the apartment
*Buy some flowers
*relax, have a glass of wine and laugh
Yeah, today its all about friends.
Friends that is coming over, friends who having a birthday and friends that are hungry !
So.. L´s birthday. Its much harder to buy presents to kids, they are totaly honest if they dont like it. Adults just smile and say thank you..
So...6 years old.
We always buy those cool cars, colourful lego that you can build castles with or maybe some superhero-dolls.
Not this time though.
Now he is a big boy and i think its a good idea to buy some books for the pre-school time...
I wonder how this will be recieved... :-)
I loved books when i was in his age , so i hope i get a huge smile and a hug as always.
Dinner with M and R tonight... lovely.
I will do some thai-influced dinner and after that hot and spicy meal i think a smooth blueberry pie with vanila ice cream is more then welcome.
I have a busy day so i better get going.

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