lördag 16 augusti 2008

A moment between shower and wine...

Just went out of the shower...
With my kind of music playing from the speakers, a glass of white wine on the washbowl and my clothes for the evening neat placed on my bed...
I am trying to make those perfect lips.
Its hard.
But, i have my favourite gloss and some new bought make up so I think it will be just fine..
Or, not fine.. this night i will look perfect.
Its good to be a girl sometimes.
You can walk around in your apartment, wearing just your underwear.
Having a wineglass in your hand, looking at your wardrobe...walk back to the bathroom, checking your makeup, put on some more hair-spray, choose from your hundreds of earrings,fill your glass back up ...go back and choose another song.
And, no one will care.

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