torsdag 19 februari 2009


Tonight was the first lesson in my Oriential belly-dance class.
Got my new clothes on and a positive attitude.
Brand new dance premesis, I could even smell the scent of paint.
Mirrors everywhere in the room.
Like alwyas I was the last girl in.
Not the youngest but not the oldest either.
The teacher said hello..and asked us if we would be disappointed if we mixed the bellydance with reggaeton.
Reggaeton is the second name of E.
And I danced...and moved those hips, followed her every step.
After 15 min we all looked at eachother with a glance of; oh my...this will be tough.
Three more months.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

oh this sounds just perfect for you! Right time right place...mrs S

Anonym sa...

Åååh, alldeles ljuuuvligt... Är galet avis på att du ens dansar, och att det DESSUTOM råkade trilla in lite reggaeton-moves och låtar...!unreda