lördag 21 februari 2009


It didnt make a different.
The applegreen curtains, the white tablecloth and the big bouquet with fresh spring-flowers.
The new pillows in the sofa...calm colours and with a May-feeling.
Its still snowing.
The winter is still holding its grip around me.
Dont really know what more I can do.
The indians have a dance for rain.
I wonder it there is a dance for making the spring comes faster?
Cus if there is, I can dance for days.
Went to parents house earlier today, mum called and; Hey sweety...I make dinner if You bring dessert.
No problem, desserts is what I do.
Blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream.
On my way home I saw something awful at the highway.
One car lost the control and went over to the wrong side...
I prayed a thank You to the Man up there that it was not me.
Drive safe people.
Its really not worth crashing your car, just so You save a minut or two.

10 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

dance for days u say?, is that true? got some inside information here, and it says that u barely "survived" one day of dancing;)

E sa...

hahah...well dear panda.
The secret is... the spring-kind-of dance is not way as hard like the belly-reggaeton thing.
its just more; go with he flow and relax- movements :)

Anonym sa...

i will check the information about this so called "spring-kind of dance" but im still not 100% sure if u would make it... its like 3-4 days of spring-dancing where talking about here , and then i mean all<-- all the time.. soo no sleep for u

E sa...

yeah.,.. u just watch me ;)
guess u have to have the cam on 24/7 now then ...
And..that also mean you cant leave or get any sleep either...
1-0 huh?

Anonym sa...

hahahaha , thats no problem for me hun, i can stay up all night

Anonym sa...

just say when ur gonna start dancing so i can see your dance then.

E sa...

Hmmm... you are way to cheeky for your own good O.
But You just put the cam on..and you will see some moves to make the spring comes faster.
You just wait.

Anonym sa...

I´ll dance spring dance with you! Google the steps and I´m in! =)

E sa...

hahaha..mona u are the queen ;)
what happend to the lax recept??? *lol*

Anonym sa...

Oh, it ended up delicious!

BUT! YOUR job - and my experience in cooking fish, is not two things that combines good with the reciep part "You´ll see when it´s done!"...! I had NO IDEA... But it worked out great anyway! =D