tisdag 24 februari 2009

A different kind of affair...

Having the tv on while I am reading.
My mind stops for a second, my hands falls and the book have to wait... and I watch.
A love-affair.
But...not like it use to be.
A man loves his car.
So much that He has sex with it.
I think I am pretty open-minded.
As long as You keep away from children, animals and family.
But cars?
I have to think about this.
The bathtub is ready, the bubbles also and a new fashion-magazine.
I´ll be back with my decision.

3 kommentarer:

Sahlin sa...

what the.....wierd

E sa...

yeah... i kind of tought.... like; no.

Anonym sa...

Ja, såg et igår oxå och tänkte "detta måste jag diskutera med elli imorgon". Så ses på jobbet om en stund.. =)