tisdag 16 december 2008

Its allready done...in my head.

I am talking about my big balcony.
The sofas, tables, candles, ikons and waterpipe.
All things are done, in my head.
Now its only the picking up part left to do.
Took a little trip to the store that have everything i need for this.
Yes it will be expensive...
But it wíll be a room for the soul.
To lay on the sofa and read, to have dinner partys or just do
Now its time for work.
I think sweet P is there to light up my day also!

3 kommentarer:

boho sa...

Hi E! You were my sunchine today, makin´ pie and everything! thank you little friend!
I felt that i was a grey cloud today. Like a tired crazy one, in the kokonest!

See you tomorrow..Now i´ve got to walk the dog(s). Kram!!!

boho sa...

rättelse. SUNSHINE ska det vara...

Anonym sa...

you are my suunshine...*trallar*