I am sick.
Very sick...
Fever, a sore throat that feels like its razor blade and a head that weights about 100 kg.
I hate being sick, not just cus of the reasons above.
No, I get so pathetic and pitiful.
Nothing is good enough.
Not the new made tea-No,its the wrong cup.
Not the candy M bought- oh no, I dont like those...
The pillow is to hard and the bed is to soft.
I am such a bitch when I am sick so I thank God its not that often.
You have a hard time believe those baby blue ones can be mean?
That cute face can turn in to a monster?
That cute face can turn in to a monster?
That bright voice can shout out awful things?
Oh trust me my dear readers.
They can...and I do.
1 kommentar:
oh,poor you,,it comes with the season..hope you get well soon! Kram P!
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