lördag 6 september 2008

The morning after...

I am going to write about last night- the worst night in my life this far.
Father called me and told me grandfather had died.
It was hard to talk on the phone, but I said I be at the hospital right away.
I cried while getting dressed, I cried in the car...and I cried when my mother met me at the entrance.
My father,brother,grandmother, uncle and aunt where there also.
Feelt good to be around family but still so sad.
Its not often you have to see your loves ones cry.
And to see your family cries openly..from their hearts, is heart-breaking.
I did not know what to expect, I had never seen a dead person before.
We all went into his room, and he looked so peaceful with his hands placed on his chest looking like He was praying.
I caressed his head.
I cried some more.
My aunt read some verses from the Bible and it was beautiful.
My mother and little brother hugged me and tried to comfort me as good as they could.
I really admire my brother, he is the the strongest person i have ever meet.
And when I say strong I mean inside.
After we all had said good bye we took grandmother and my grandfathers brother back to my parents house.
We talked, drank som tea and whiskey and eat...
My grandmother took it very well I must say , but she have said that they had a good life together and it was for the best.
We went home late and I got to bed.
Cried some more with strong arms around me.
Woke up early today and lighted a candle and prayed.
It feels better today.
I know he is looking over me from heaven.
One day we meet again and then we will be playing cards grandpa!
And maybe I will let you win... once.

Birger Carlsson

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Jag sörjer med er, tänker på hela familjen, ge alla en kram från mej!
Finns här gumman.
