onsdag 5 november 2008

Its done...

Barack Obama it is.
And we congratulate Usa for their best decision in many years.
I truly believe he will make a differens.
What I dont like is his way to support Israel and their "human rights"...
But maybe we cant have it all?
It will be a long day in the kitchen today with lobster-soup, plates with swedish starters and I think I will make some pies also.
My eye took a glance on the PM paper last night; and if I am not wrong I will be company by dancers from the middle east, fire-eaters and singers.
Oh me love fire-eaters.
Its something middle-age about it.
And you all know I have a crush for everything that starts with that letter.
And if I am lucky, my new little chipmunk will help me out.
13-years old, a bit chubby and thinks I am smart.
Clever boy.

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