lördag 3 januari 2009

Ah... Finally.

Was so tired when I woke up.
Had no idea where I was or whats my name.
But, its funny...
The second I walked out in that cold air and ice-covered streets with this in my little pink Mp3, I was awake and smiling.
At work Cute S waited and we had quite a good time...
Dancing to our good music and made some magic with the food.
The sweet old man that I have talked about before, took my hand after I had given him some raspberry cake for free (how could I refuse him)
And told me- Girl, you should know there is not many in this world, as warm-hearted as You.
This almost 90-year or something old man had my heart for sure.
When I got home and saw the little thing I had longing for the whole day I felt content.
A ice cold Coca Cola light, with sliced lemon.
I ask for nothing really.. but when I get it I am very grateful.
So, the big glass filled with ice, newly showered and with a splach of the fruity-kind of perfume, I lay on my bed.
Om my stomach and with my underwear reading my book.
Cus tonight I will finish it.
And dont you dare disturb me before I have.

2 kommentarer:

boho sa...

no i wont´t disturbe you,just say hi...see you next week!

E sa...

Hehe.. you can disturb me anytime sweety.