lördag 24 januari 2009

To my friend...

Sweet P, when things get out of your hands and unfare.
Try to not spend all your energy on them.
Things will happend that we cant change.
Somethimes those things was ment to be, and open new doors.
I knew You will be just fine cus You are strong.
Try to focus on the good things you allready have, at home and in your life.
Cus you have a rich life... right?
This always makes me feel a little bit better...

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

;0..eh,thanx E.You are so cute!
Well i know i shouldn´t complaine..but when you are doing your best and put so much energy in a thing...it takes time for me to stand up....
On the other hand yes, I´ve got a really good life in many ways.
Perhaps everything i dreamed of as a little girl...
And of course good friends..like you! Puss å kram!

M sa...

Inget att tacka för. :) Bara min ärliga åsikt. Du ska verkligen vara stolt över din skönhet!


E sa...

tack M :)