onsdag 7 januari 2009

A night for the soul...

A night with one of my closest friends.
We met the first time when we where 6 years old.
With a cheeky gap between our teeth and a ponytail.
That pic did my mother capture on our kitchenfloor...

This was 1989 and My little pony and Barbie was the thing.

Now, a few years later....
Its red wine, dinners, laughter and shopping that is the big thing.
Not better or worse, just different and lovely.

I think I saw the most beautiful sunset from the window as I sat on the bus on the ferry to the city.
The golden sun coloured the sky pink and blue, and the seagulls made that sound I love so much.
Thank you for a great day sweety and we do it soon again!

Pancakes and some raspberry.
2 sleeping cats on the sofa and one husband playing the guitar.
Nice and calm.
Just the way I want it right now.
Its been a long day, and the air from the city by the sea takes energy.
In a good way though.

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